There are many private preschools as well as elementary and high schools in Toronto that are inspired by the highly successful Montessori system. However their philosophy, approach and focus might vary. Often it’s difficult to judge which one is more successful or effective based purely on academic results. After all, true education is a combination of intellectual, social and personal development. This makes selecting the right Montessori private school for your children more confusing, and often stressful.
Curriculum, a school’s reputation, preschool daycare, child care at school, proximity to your home – you’ve probably got a long wish list for a Toronto Montessori school of your choice!
Top 10 questions to consider when looking for a Montessori School
- Is it truly a child-centred environment where students are allowed to choose work based on personal interest levels?
- Are students respected and supported in the process of academic and self-discovery?
- Does the school support hands-on learning as compared to text book and teacher instruction?
- Are teachers experienced in the Montessori system and the levels they are teaching? Are they truly passionate about children’s education?
- Does the school have special educational materials that will challenge as well as accelerate learning, catering to each age or level?
- Are classroom materials and school facilities relatively new, clean and well-maintained?
- Do children seem happy, well-adjusted and able to communicate freely with their teachers and peers?
- What kind of reputation does the school uphold in terms of academic results, extra-curricular activities and from parent-student feedback?
- Is the school curriculum focused solely on academic achievements or does it give equal importance to the environment, arts, music, social and personal development?
- Is the school open to observation visits, parent-teacher communication and reasonable parental involvement?

“Cornerstone is a really good school and the academics are pretty strong. I like the way that the teachers help one-on-one to improve the standards of my children. Cornerstone has developed my children’s standards.”