Secondary School Programme

The Cornerstone Montessori Prep School Advantage:

Cornerstone Secondary Department:

Our overall goal is to provide students with a course of studies taught in a Christian Montessori environment that will impact their physical, spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual needs.  Our mission statement is to nurture and educate young people who, for the glory of God, are capable of achieving at or above their academic level with reasonable effort in a traditional learning environment that prepares them for higher education.  We strive to develop and implement an introductory Christian worldview that permeates all of life as we wish to reinforce the importance and value of fully completing a secondary education. Our qualified dedicated educators have the commitment to reach and mentor every student in order to help them achieve a successful outcome from our secondary school experience.

Cornerstone Montessori Prep School, Toronto provides a positive and supportive environment where students challenge themselves, work hard, respect one another and strive to be the best they can.

High School Organization:

Cornerstone, as a non semester school, is organized into three terms with Term One from September to November, Term Two from December to February and Term Three from March to June.   All three terms will include comprehensive tests with additional culminating activities to be assessed in the third term. Timetables for the classes are set up to reflect the same class schedule for the whole school year and do not rotate with the terms.

Our term examinations (Cumulative Basic Academic tests) are written three times a year and supplemented by weekly testing and review sessions. The report card is discussed at regular parent/teacher interviews to keep you in close touch with your child’s progress.

Rationale for Course Description:

Each course description includes a statement of Ministry guidelines and requirements, plus any relevant additional information about the philosophy and specific applications for Cornerstone Montessori Prep School.

Requirements for Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD):

There is a complete academic course of studies provided for the senior school department, however, since we operate on the Montessori principle of combined classes, there will be some courses that will only be offered every other year.  Students who follow through with our four year academic program will graduate with all courses required for the OSSD and will include courses directed towards an appropriate post secondary institution.  Students are also required to remain in secondary school until they have reached the age of eighteen or have obtained an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or Certificate.


Read more about our uniform requirements.


Updated tuition fees.


Our pre-school instruction is enriched with French, Mandarin, music and Christian values resulting in highly confident and successful adults.


“Cornerstone is a really good school and the academics are pretty strong. I like the way that the teachers help one-on-one to improve the standards of my children. Cornerstone has developed my children’s standards.”